field negro: A secret trip to Afghanistan and a not so secret trip to Negromerica.: Whitey - whats your theory behind there being so many asian owned liquor stores in black neighborhoods? Why are there so many and why are they in Black neighborhoods and why don't blacks own them?
The reason all the liquer stores are in black neighborhoods is because that's where white people allow to proliferate. That's not going to be allowed to happen in white neighborhoods. And pretty much all liquor stores are immigrant owned ya know. Used to be Jews and Chinese, then Koreans, now Arabs and South Asians too. That stuff's liquid gold just like all the illegal kinds of crack. Flys off the shelves. Shit... people are literally death-addicted to it.
"I'm Whitey and even I'm telling you it's a conspiracy motherfucker"
"I'm Whitey and even I'm telling you it's a conspiracy motherfucker"